/ VDS Project / Gender,Youth and Vulnerable Groups – Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms
Gender,Youth and Vulnerable Groups – Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms
- Development and Enactment of the WEF Bill
- Develop and Implement the National Equality Bill;
- Develop and Implement the Sexual and Gender Based Violence Policy; and
- Finalize and Implement the National Affirmative Action Policy
- Review the National Gender and Development Policy
- Develop and Implement the Public Financial Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations 2013.
- Implementation of Public Procurement and Disposable [Preference and Reservation] Regulations 2013 for women.
Vulnerable Groups
- Establishment of National Safety Net Program;
- Finalize and Implement the Disability Act Amendment Bill 2012;
- Finalize and Implement the Affirmative Action Policy on PWDs;
- Develop and Implement the National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy;
- Implementation of Accessibility Action Plan
- Finalize and Implement the National Community Development Policy;
- Development of a National volunteerism policy
- Passing of the Children Amendment Bill into law;
- Revision of child participation guidelines and guidelines on children’s services delivery to take into account amongst others, Kinship Adoption;
- Development of a National Action Plan on Children for the implementation of the National Children’s Policy;
- Development of a National Social Protection Sessional Paper based on the National Social Protection Policy;
- Establishment of a National Social Protection Council;
- Development of a Social Assistance Bill; and
- Review of various Social Protection components (Social Insurance, Health insurance) policies to be in line with the
- National Social Protection Policy.
- Reviewing the National Youth Policy (2007);
- Review the National Youth Council Act 2009;
- Review National Youth Service Act(1964);
- Develop and Enact the National Youth Enterprise Development Bill;
- Implementation of the National Industrial Training Attachment Policy;
- Develop the National Youth Employment Policy;
- Finalization and implementation of the National Policy on Youth Polytechnics and the Vocational Sector (NPYPVS);
- Develop the Youth Societies Bill;
- Develop the Policy and Framework on Youth Talent, Identifi cation and Nurturing;
- Develop National Youth & Internship Volunteer Policy;
- Implementation the Public Procurement and Disposable [Preference and Reservation] Regulations 2013 for youth;
- Develop and Implement the Public Financial Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations 2013.
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