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Water Storage and Harvesting

The government will develop two multi-purpose dams with a total storage capacity of 2.4 billion cubic meters along Rivers Nzoia and Nyando. An additional 24 medium-sized multi-purpose dams with a total capacity of 2 billion cubic meters will be undertaken to supply water for domestic, livestock and irrigation use in the ASAL areas. They are Bunyunyu, Munyu, Londiani, Itare, Upper Narok, Chemesusu, Kiserian, Yatta, Kitui, Mwingi Thwake, Rare, Thiba, Umma, Rumuruti, Badasa, Archers’ Post, Awasi, Kora, Ndarugu, Mwachi, Ruiru A, Siyoi and Nyahururu.



Increased supply of water for domestic and livestock use

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