Development of Konza Technology City (KTC) to position Kenya as the ICT hub in Africa. The project will be developed in phases and the first phase will consist of the following: construction of a BPO Park; a science park, residential buildings, a data centre and part of central business district. It will also involve construction of basic infrastructure including access roads, telecommunications, water and sewerage and electricity;
Generation of ICT contents. The Kenya ICT board in partnership with Strathmore University and other local universities will generate content aimed at spurring new business concerns in the 47 counties. The Board in partnership with the universities will conduct county commissioned research, data analysis and the best business opportunities and potential investors in each county;
Setting up of digital villages to provide over 30,000 opportunities for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) by 2017 up from the current 13,000; and
Development of e-commerce to enable entrepreneurs obtain skills to sell their products/services over the internet.The programme will involve use of high resolution GIS maps of all the inhabited areas of Kenya; development of a national e-commerce master plan, an e-commerce policy, an updated courier services policy, a content business model policy; and e-commerce legislation and related regulation.