GJLOS –Policy and Results Framework
The overall sector policy, reform dialogue plan implementation and coordination will be championed by the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) and the National Collaboration for Oversight and Accountability (NCOA).
National Council on the Administration of Justice
The NCAJ is a high level policy making, implementation and oversight coordinating mechanism established under Section 34 of the Judicial Service Act (No. 1 of 2011). During the planning period, the sector will undertake to formulate policies relating to the administration of justice; implement, monitor, evaluate and review strategies for the administration of justice; facilitate the establishment of Court Users Committees at
the county level and mobilise resources for purposes of the efficient administration of justice. Periodically,NCAJ will provide feedback to Parliament on the status of the justice system.
National Collaboration for Oversight and Accountability
The NCOA is a high level policy making, implementation and oversight coordination mechanism established under GJLOS II. The NCOA covers public oversight and accountability institutions within GJLOS. The mechanism will mainstream cross-cutting public sector reforms and provide a forum for engagement with wider public sector reforms. The strategies to be implemented under MTP II include:
 Strengthening GJLOS coordination office
Roll out county pilots of GJLOS institutions for reform monitoring and coordination at county levels.
Operationalization of NCAJ secretariat.
Implementing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation and reporting framework.