The programme will be implemented through the following projects:
- Biotechnology Policy and Legal Framework: The goal of this project will be to review the existing Biotechnology policy, legal and regulatory framework (National Biotechnology development policy and Biosafety Law) and develop a new policy, legal, regulatory and institutional framework for the governance of Biological/life Sciences.
- Establish Centres of Excellence in Biotechnology Research in Research and Higher Learning Institutions:
The goal of this project will be to identify and equip Biotechnology Research laboratories in research and higher learning institutions.
- Development of Human Capacity for Biotechnology Research and Product Development: The goal of this project will be to develop a critical mass of a competent human resource for the development and application of Biotechnology.
- Public Education and Awareness on Biotechnology and Biosciences: The goal of this project will be to educate the public and create awareness on the whole subject of Biotechnology and Biosciences.
- Delivery of genetically modified (GM) crop varieties for commercial production by Kenyan farmers: The goal of this project will be to facilitate the commercialisation of genetically modified crop varieties as products of modern Biotechnology.