The STEM education and training applies inter-disciplinary research in learning and cognition, STEM integration, instructor development and evaluation and assessment to STEM teaching from early childhood through graduate education. To deliver on the STEM the following projects will be implemented:
- Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology: The establishment of an advanced research institute in Kenya will provide for specialized training in various engineering and science fields.
- Repackage STEM in Education and Training: The project is expected to promote experiential learning, innovation creativity and attraction to STEM related disciplines through well-coordinated programmes in education, R&D and Training in all aspects of ST&I at all levels starting from Early Childhood to Primary and Secondary Education levels up to University.
- Integration of Science, Technology and Innovation in Education Management: The project will establish a Sector Wide Education and Training Management Information System linking all education related Agencies in the public and private sectors.
- Conduct a National Skills Inventory and Audit for ST&I: A National Critical Skills Development Strategy will be formulated and implemented in order to increase the number of researchers, scientists and engineers for the industry.
This project will include an audit on the existing SET skills and the requirements for the country and draw up a strategy for closing the gap.