In order to achieve environment integrity and sustainable resource management, the following reforms will be undertaken in the Plan period:
- Revision of Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (1999);
- Development of Solid Waste Management Policy;
- Formulation of a Research and Development Policy;
- Revision of the Forest Policy and its subsidiary legislations;
- Review of the Timber Act Cap 386 of the laws of Kenya;
- Development of the Charcoal Policy;
- Review of Water quality standards to ensure that they conform with the country’s water situation and needs;
- Enact a policy on trans-boundary water management;
- Enact a policy on ground water protection;
- Operationalisation of a national policy on mineral resources and mining;
- Formulation of a national policy on the establishment of a national geological survey;
- Development of implementation strategies for the National Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Policy;
- Implement an occupational health and safety policy.