/ VDS Project / Land Reforms – Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms
Land Reforms – Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms
National Land Policy: A comprehensive review will be done to incorporate the emerging issues and the changes that have been brought about by the Constitution.
Finalisation of the Kenya National Spatial Data Infrastructure Policy: This will provide an appropriate framework for preparation and implementation of national, regional and local area land use plans and ensure that the planning process is integrated, participatory and meets stakeholder needs.
Legal Reforms: Preparation of subsidiary legislation and review of the enacted Acts to eliminate any inconsistencies will be undertaken. Land related legislations will also be harmonized with the new Acts such as the Survey Act Cap. 299. In addition to the Community Land Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill, the Eviction and Resettlement Bill will be finalized and enacted.
Institutional Reforms: The National Land Commission will be operationalized and field offices and County Land Management Boards will be established.