In addition to the flagship projects, there are other supportive projects that will be implemented under this sector. These include:
- Carbon offset scheme: The initiative will exploit opportunities within the Kyoto Protocol on the establishment of voluntary carbon markets in order to promote conservation and compensation for environmental services. To this end, capacity to attract Clean Development mechanism projects will be enhanced.
- Disaster preparedness: Securing funding from global funding mechanisms to implement adaptation programmes in ASALs and high-risk zones. This will be accompanied by an improved disaster-preparedness strategy, including an early warning system and environmental monitoring covering climatic events (e.g. droughts, floods, pestilences, seismic occurrences etc.), as well as initiation of a public awareness, avoidance and preparedness campaign.
- Compensation for environmental services programme: This programme will be undertaken in consideration of the contribution provided by the environment and natural resources to the National Accounts. The programme will incorporate the valuation of environmental resources, amenities, and services into the overall economic activity to ensure such resources are not over-exploited. It will entail the design and implementation of appropriate incentives in environmental management.
- Exploration and Mining: An accurate and detailed geological mapping of the country will be undertaken to provide information that may lead to the discovery of natural minerals of commercial value. As a result, the current exploration for minerals and crude oil will be intensified. The private sector will be encouraged to participate in both small and large scale mining industry and to develop the geo-tourism sites as part of the tourism circuit within the country. Small scale miners will be targeted for increased investments.
- Invasive species: Serious economic and ecological damage is caused by this alien and invasive species particularly in ASALs. A number of initiatives are currently ongoing aimed at curbing the spread of this species. The government will take lead in coordinating these initiatives so as to control further spread. Trans-boundary waters:The Nile Basin Initiative is supporting the rehabilitation and expansion of Bomet Water Supply and Sewerage System to serve an additional 25,000 people and extension of pipeline by about 2 Km. It is also building early confidence, through sensitization and awareness, to communities in the basin in undertaking self initiation projects, for the purpose of optimizing resource usage.
- Geological Mapping:This will cover the remaining 20 per cent unmapped parts of the country bordering Somalia and southern Sudan (ELEMI triangle). This will include inventory, mapping and zoning of geo-hazard areas.
- Linkages with institutions of higher learning: The government will strengthen linkages with Universities and other research institutions through joint capacity building in environment related disciplines especially through short term training, establishment of university-based Science Parks as centres of technological innovation and development, development of environmental and hydrological monitoring of programmes in major water catchments and development of effective and environmentally-friendly solid waste recycling technology usable at community level in major urban areas. The government, in collaboration with the universities will develop national research priorities in environment, water and sanitation to guide public and private sector research and management interventions.