/ VDS Project / Other Financial Services Programmes and Projects
Other Financial Services Programmes and Projects
EAC financial services integration: The objective of integration is to facilitate trade, enable cross-border operations and movement of capital. This is expected to improve the stability of the financial services sector by modernizing the supervisory approach for all sectors in line with new and emerging international standards.
Stimulate long-term savings and reduce vulnerability: This initiative has four broad objectives: to mobilize funds at the sector level for investment by the Government and private sector; to increase individual savings for personal investments in education, housing; to provide a replacement pension (income) in old age; and to provide appropriate protection, through insurance, against risks such as illness, accident, and adverse weather.
Facilitate the expansion of electronic payments: The achievement of a ‘cash-light’ economy through the expansion of electronic e-payments will significantly reduce transaction costs across the financial system, especially in the provision of retail financial services and in improving the lending and investment environment.
Climate Change Fund: The Kenya Climate Fund (KCF) will be the key vehicle for mobilising and allocating resources from international development partners towards climate change related activities and will be used for allocating domestic public resources towards responses to adverse impacts of climate change.