Digitalization of Documents: The national archives aims at digitizing more than a million copies of documents annually to enhance access to the archival materials. This will ensure online access through the internet and Local Area Network (LAN), break the barriers of time and space in the utilization of the archival materials, generate backup copies of the archival materials for security purposes and enhance preservation of the original archival materials.
Construction of Cultural Centers: This will involve construction of community cultural centres countrywide as focal points for the revitalization, development, dissemination and promotion of the country’s diverse cultural expressions.
Kenya National Sports Institute (KNSI): The Institute’s mandate will be to develop a national institute for training of sports coaches, instructors and technical staff.
Establishment of National Council for Kiswahili: A proposed Bill to establish the council will be reviewed to harmonize with the proposed new legislation bill of the languages policy which will also cater for indigenous and sign language.
Empowerment of Cultural Practitioners: The project entails building capacity for cultural practitioners through workshops, exhibitions, festivals and competitions.
Records Management: The Kenya National Archives will undertake audit and review records management best keeping practices in all public offices to improve service delivery. This entails visits to all the public offices in the country to undertake records survey, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation, sensitization workshops and seminars.
Acquisition and Preservation of Kenya’s Documentary Heritage: This will involve restoration of documents in order to ensure that archival holdings do not suffer from natural, chemical and man-made deterioration. Conservation, audiovisual and microfilming will also be enhanced.
Retrieval of Migrated Archives: The retrieval of records taken away by Britain at the eve of independence will be undertaken. The records being retrieved are based on a survey carried out in 1979. A further survey will be undertaken to enable extension of the exercise to other countries, such as United States of America and India where records relating to Kenya are believed to be located.
Refurbishment of the Archives Building: The current archives building is old having been built in 1930, hence requires constant maintenance and installations.
Controlled Environment in the Records Storage Areas: To achieve this, materials in all formats will be stored under controlled temperatures and relative humidity which requires installation of air conditioners, mechanical ventilators and de-humidifiers in all records storage areas both at the headquarters and regional archives.
Installation of High-Density Storage System: The current records space is fi lled to capacity which has impacted negatively on acquisition, preservation and provision of access to public records. To enhance the records storage capacity and security of the archives, there is need for high-density storage system in all storage areas both at the
headquarters and regional archives.
Publicity and Marketing of Archival Services: A publicity and marketing division will be established in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Arts and a documentary on services of the national archives will be developed.
Opening of County Archives: In order to effectively serve all public offi ces, archives will be established in all counties.
Increasing Accessibility to Sources and Resources of Information: This will involve establishment of 27 county libraries and upgrading of six other county libraries countrywide. The programme aims at increasing equitable accessibility to sources and resources of information for knowledge development and transformation of livelihoods by
all communities.
Preservation and Conservation of the National Documentary Heritage for Posterity: The project will enhance preservation and conservation of the national documentary heritage for posterity, support research for innovation and
development of a knowledge-based economy.
Establishment of Kenya Film School: This project is geared towards promoting indigenous Kenyan creativity and production of talent and increasing domestic Kenyan content on local television to 60 per cent, half of which should be independently produced. Support will be given to the Kenya Film Commission in order to improve its facilities and to promote local talent and innovation .