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Promotion of Entrepreneurship Culture

To start up Entrepreneurship development Programmes.

The performance and competitiveness of the MSEs and the jua kali sector will be increased for it to effectively respond to the challenges of creating productive and sustainable employment opportunities, promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in the country. A large number of Kenya’s current and potential entrepreneurs need human resource development to meet their operational and developmental needs. This will be realised through specialised training that will be designed and offered to the entrepreneurs and their membership organisations at different levels. Entrepreneurial development programmes will be introduced in schools and other training institutions to facilitate development of a wide spread enterprise culture. Appropriate mechanisms will also be put in place to increase participation of youth and vulnerable groups in MSE and jua kali activities. In addressing the financial constraints facing youth and women entrepreneurs particularly start-up capital, the government will scale up the already established Youth and Women Enterprise Funds. Commercial banks and Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) will be encouraged to enhance lending to MSEs and the jua kali operators at fair interest rates. To give MSE and the Jua Kali Sector the required impetus, the implementation of Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2005 on Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction will be fast- tracked. In addition the government will formulate and enact the MSE Act and establish a National Council for Small Enterprise (NCSE)


A competitive and efficient MSE sector