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Quotation Number: VDS/11/2021-2022

VDS invites you to submit quotations for office relocation services as indicated in detail in “Table
A. Schedule of Requirements and Specifications”. The quotation shall follow the instructions and
documents in this RFQ document and shall be in English Language. Tenderers may obtain further
information during office hours; 0800hrs to 1700hrs at the address given below.

2. Quotations shall be submitted in accordance with the instruction in Part 1: Quotation Procedures and in a sealed envelope clearly indicating name and address of tenderer, the quotation name and title and
must reach the Procuring Entity at the address indicated below not later than 10th August 2021.
Quotations can be delivered by registered mail, courier or hand delivery at the tenderer’s option. Late
quotations shall be rejected.

3. Enquiries regarding this quotation may be addressed to the Director General at Kenya Vision 2030
Delivery Secretariat, KUSCCO Centre, 2nd Floor.

4. Any resulting contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions detailed in Part 3:Contract.

5. Please inform by email or express mail the undersigned within two (2) days of receipt of this RFQ if
you will not be submitting a quotation.

Address for Submission of Quotations.
1) Name of Procuring Entity: Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat
2) Mailing Address: P.O Box 52301-00200, Nairobi,
3) Physical address: 2nd Floor, KUSCCO Centre, Kilimanjaro Avenue, Upper hill
