Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat (VDS) invites sealed bids from eligible candidates for Provision of consultancy services for Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019-2020 Completed proposal documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked “VDS/05/2019-2020 – Provision of consultancy services for Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019-2020 and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at KUSCCO Centre, 2nd Floor, Kilimanjaro Road, Upperhill, Nairobi or be addressed to:
Director General
Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat
Kuscco Center, 2nd floor, Upperhill
P.O. Box 52301-00200
so as to be received on or before Wednesday, 27th November 2019 at 11.00 a.m.