Director General
Ken is a graduate of Harambee Primary School, St. Peter’s Upper Primary School, Ishiara, Mbeere, the Alliance High School, The University of Nairobi (Bachelor of Laws, LLB), Downing College, Cambridge University, England (Master of Laws, LL.M, in Corporate Finance, International Commercial Litigation, International Human Rights & Unjust Enrichment Law), The Kenya School of Law, The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (Legislative Drafting) of The University of London and The Lloyds Maritime Academy, London.
Ken has wide-ranging experience in the Private Sector, in the Development/NGO space and in the Public Sector. He has worked in, with and for the Law Society of Kenya Private Prosecution of Goldenberg (1993-1994), the International Commission of Jurists (Kenya Chapter), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, The Chambers of Lord Anthony Grabiner, One Essex Court Chambers, Inner Temple, London, Standard Chartered Bank, the Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority, the Interest Rates Advisory Centre, The Department of Governance & Ethics in the Office of the President, The State Law Office, the Ministry of Justice & Constitutional Affairs, the Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission, the Public Complaints Standing Committee (Ombudsman/Commission on Administrative Justice), and the Inter-governmental Standing Committee on Shipping (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda & Zambia).
Ken has served as a Gazetted Public Prosecutor for offences of Corruption under the repealed Prevention of Corruption Act, as an Executive Assistant, a Banker, a Human-Rights Defender, a Finance & Governance Consultant, an Executive Director (Ombudsman), a Secretary-General of an international institution (ISCOS Secretariat), and lastly as the Inaugural Chairman of the Embu Municipality Board (July 2019 to July 2020).
Ken serves conscientiously and has received Unqualified External Audit Reports as an A-I-E Holder whilst delivering tangible, measurable results. The Performance Contracting Indicator ‘Resolution of Public Complaints’ is Ken’s contribution to improving Service Delivery in Kenya. Recently, Ken pushed, to adoption in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, the policy to discourage CIF imports in favour of C&F, strengthening the Insurance Industry in these countries. The estimated national forex savings run into millions of dollars.
Ken has practical, high-level experience in International Relations, diplomacy, governance, anti-corruption, banking, shipping and maritime affairs (Blue Economy) as well as International Trade and Development.
He is a subject-matter expert on governance, banking, shipping and international trade. Ken also has a journalistic bent and wrote an Editorial Column in The East African Standard newspaper between 2000 and 2003. He continues to shape public opinion through commentaries in the print and electronic media.
Ken has an easy-going personality. He gets things done within stipulated deadlines, prefers to get it right the first time and is rigorous in his approach to tasks and to detail. He has a well-earned reputation as a Pusher; the job gets done, in the allotted time, within budget.
Ken is a Reformer. He is fascinated by the ongoing Technological Revolution Age that we are currently living in. To sum it all up?
Ken believes in Kenya.