The Kenya Vision 2030, launched in 2008, is the national long-term development blueprint whose aim is to create a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030.Vision 2030 implementation is a collectively driven process by Government and Kenyans of all walks of life. To ensure timely delivery of flagship projects, Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat provides strategic leadership and collaboration of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) implementing Vision 2030 projects. Further the Secretariat is charged with the mandate of aggressively marketing and communicating Vision 2030 and its Medium-Term Plans
In line with the above mandate to increase visibility of Vision 2030, the Secretariat undertook a media familiarization tour to these projects; the Kenya Leather Industrial Park at Kinanie Athi-River, Konza Technopolis at Konza and National Housing Commission Project in Athi-River, all in Machakos County.
The Kenya Leather Park (KLP) set on a 500-acre site aims to achieve value addition and innovation towards unlocking economic potential of the Leather sector in Kenya. It also aims to create an enabling environment for the attraction and facilitation of increased Foreign and Domestic Direct Investments into Kenya.
The Konza Technocity, set on 5000 acres, is designed and implemented by the government of Kenya to enhance Kenya’s innovation ecosystem and digital economy by providing the missing infrastructural and technological links. It aims to develop a globally competitive smart city by creating an enabling environment through utilization of ICT for socio-economic development.
The Affordable Housing project by the National Housing Corporation aims to provide cheaper housing by reducing the cost by 50% .