Implementing Agencies:
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, National Council for Science and Technology (NACOSTI), Universities & Research Institutions.
Sector Objective: To establish endogenous capabilities for Nano science and nanotechnology interfacing among applied physics, chemistry and life science.
The draft Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Information Bill has been finalized and is ready to be presented to the Cabinet while a Research Fund has been established under the National Council for Science and Technology. One per cent of the annual Budget shall be factored towards research and innovation. As part of promoting capacity building in science, technology and innovation at the University of Nairobi, a group of students were sent to Korea to study Nuclear Science on an exchange program.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology has developed a technology development, transfer and diffusion program whose main objective is to undertake technology acquisition and diffusion through provision of a framework for technological governance in Kenya, lobbying for political will and support for realization of adequate funding for technology transfer initiatives, building a dynamic, forward-looking domestic technopreneur base necessary for effective commercialization of R&D and institutionalizing mechanisms for technology planning for technology transfer activities.
- Draft STI and Information Bill has been finalized and is ready to be presented to the Cabinet
- Research fund has been established under the National Council for Science and Technology
- A group of students from University of Nairobi were sent to Korea to study nuclear science on an exchange program
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has developed a technology development, transfer and diffusion program.