Implementing Agency:
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government (National Police Service)
Sector objective:
To build effective and efficient security and policing services; to reduce the social costs of conflicts and disasters; to reduce the probability of the public engaging in criminal activities.
Work on a Forensic Laboratory is 90 per cent complete, while the National Security Data Centre is already operational. Various monitoring CCTV cameras have been installed at the Police Headquarters, Traffic Headquarters and the offices of the Provincial Police Officer in Nairobi. The Government allocated Ksh.800 million in 2012/2013 to enhance CCTV coverage in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa. Following recent terror attacks, the Government has partnered with the private sector to enhance security in public areas such as shopping malls and places of worship.
1,200 vehicles have been given to police stations across the country. The establishment of reliable and pervasive security across the country is critical to Vision 2030 and should be accorded the highest priority.
Both the Independent Police Oversight Authority and the National Police Service Commission have been formed. The Inspector General of Police and his two deputies were recruited and are discharging their duties. In the spirit of East African Community, there are proposals to have the Ministry of Immigration set up a border office at the Taveta Border Point to provide one-stop clearance to EAC members.
The Nyumba Kumi Initiative was launched and a committee (Task Force) under the chairmanship of Mr Joseph Kaguthi established. The initiative aims to encourage Kenyans to know at least 10 neighbours in their locality to boost security.
- Forensic laboratory is 90 per cent complete
- National security data center is already operational.
- Three Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been installed at police headquarters, traffic headquarters and the offices of the provincial police officer in Nairobi.
- Government allocated Ksh.800 million in 2012/13 to enhance CCTV coverage in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa.
- The Government has partnered with the private sector to enhance security in public areas such as shopping malls and places of worship.
- 1,200 police vehicles have been provided to police stations across the country.
- Both the Independent Police Oversight Authority and the National Police Service Commission have been formed.
- Nyumba Kumi initiative was launched.